Thursday, October 15, 2020

first post...and a poem.

 I have started sooo many blogs...the same scenario happens each time: I feel the NEED to write, I get super-inspired, start the blog and get really into posting a few times...and then nothing. 

You see, I have this thing (neurosis?) where I have a burst of creative impulse but quickly lose focus and follow-through. It's been this way my whole life, and while it makes for a life that's never boring, it sure has been a detriment in terms of my personal vision of success.


Enter this blog: just another creative impulse that will be discarded as soon as the rush of the new goes away? Maybe, I can't say for sure. I'm learning the hard way these days that being "sure" about anything is a recipe for disaster. I AM sure that I have things to say and that I want to share them, but i'm not sure anyone wants to read them. But that's not the point, is it? The point is in the telling, in the act of creation itself. 

So i've decided to build myself a little corner and put in a comfy chair (patchwork and well-worn), and just get to writing. To do the work I need to do. To get out of my own way and listen to the call of my creative impulses. 

This blog will probably be a hodgepodge of all the pieces of me: my joys, my poems, my anger, my doubts, my art, my connections. I hope you read along and find something here to comfort you, inspire you, or make you think. So, to that end, I want to share a poem:

all I know how to do
is let the rain fall
and let the sun come
when it comes 
and mitigate the damage
of darkness with 
a thousand eyes of light
each with it's shard 
of pain, each with it's
breath of now.

all I know how to do
is to take the heart of 
night and haunt it's chambers
myself, make me
the ghost of my life
and become the hinge
of the universe when
my prayers go unanswered. 

all I know how to do 
is twist these threads together
like the clouds which
twist around each other now,
the churning chain 
of doubt and sure,
the only sky I know. 

With kindness and love,

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first post...and a poem.

 I have started sooo many blogs...the same scenario happens each time: I feel the NEED to write, I get super-inspired, start the blog and ge...